R&D and Tests
To meet the market needs and to fulfill specific Client’s requirement, the company invests important resources in R&D to develop existing products and studying new ones. The test tools available in the workshop allow to fully test products with high electrical performances, durability and functionality.
Research, development and tests
Important routine and type test tools are available in the quality department and allow to design and produce reliable and customized products.
A current generator test tool/machine is able to feed up to 15.000A to perform thermal temperature rise (type) test on our products and it is also used to simulate real site condition even with specific ambient temperature.
To perform insulation and dielectric tests in the workshop it is available an impulse test tool able to perform impulse test up to 400kV and a voltage generator able to perform industrial frequency test up to 120kV.
Short circuit, internal arc and other type test are performed in collaboration with main Italian and International laboratories (ie CESI, SVEPPI ..).
Seismic type test with acceleration up to 1g has been performed on all our main LV and MV products.